This assignment is to improve the score system we had for Assignment #2. You nee

This assignment is to improve the score system we had for Assignment #2. You need

to write a Python program that:
(1) Reads from the file “hw3.txt” in the local directory that contains the SID
(which is a string) and the homework grades (which are integers) of each
student in a class. This time the number of students is not known in advance,
but you may assume that all students have the same number of grades.
(2) Computes the average score (as an integer) for each student. The average of
each student is computed based on (grade total / number of homework
(3) Computes the average of the class (as an integer): class average = sum of
averages / number of students;
(4) Computes the letter grade for each student. This time however the letter
grade is “P” (Pass) or “NP” (No Pass): If the average of a student is greater
than or equal to the class average, the student’s letter grade is “P”; otherwise
the letter grade is “NP”.
(5) Prints the SID, the average grade, and the letter grade of each student.
For example, if the data file contains:
1001 20 30 100
1002 80 90 100
1003 100 100 100
Your program should report something like:
SID 1001 Avg 50 Grade NP
SID 1002 Avg 90 Grade P
SID 1003 Avg 100 Grade P
Class Average is 80

This assignment is to improve the score system we had for Assignment #2. You nee
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