In this lesson, you will finish planning your classical argument work by developing an outline.
- You already have your claim statement and reasons it is true.
- Now you will complete your research so that you understand and can rebut the most likely counterargument.
- Then, you will create an outline.
- Make sure you have completed Lessons 1-3 before beginning your outline.
- “Evaluating Websites” (6 min.) If your instructor has given you permission to find some sources online, this video will help you choose wisely.
- In The Writer’s Mindset
- “FAQ Finding Research from Mulitple Viewpoints” p. 438-439
- “Creating an Outline” p. 441
- “Selecting Evidence to Support Reasons ” p. 442-444
- Classical Argument Outline Example
- Outline for the Classical Argument work
- Before you begin your outline, return to the Lesson 2 Forum and read your classmates’ replies. Check for feedback from your instructor as well.
- Remember that you need four academic sources using the OCCC library.
- You may use .gov or .edu sites, etc. IF your professor says you may do so.
- You need three sources that provide support for your position and at least one that explains or presents a counterargument.
- Ask a Librarian if you need help finding sources.
- Using the Notetaking Form will help you understand and take notes on your sources.
- Lesson 4 Individual Assignment: Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.
- Read the instructions above write on use the instruction upload together with this instruction and answer the questions below
Planning the Outline for the Classical Argument work.
- Complete your research for the Classical Argument.
- Use the document: Outline for Classical Argument (in the Lesson 4 Instructions tab) to create an outline for your Classical Argument. The outline must be complete. Partial outlines will only receive partial credit.
- Upload your outline here.
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