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“Navigating the Distance: An Analysis of Communication Patterns and Techniques in Long-Distance Relationships”

Communication Patterns and Techniques in Long-Distance Relationships
Requirements: 6-10
pages, should be well-written and insightful. 
The essay should be prepared in the following format using
the headings provided below to identify each part.
Part 1:  The Dialogue
This part is a detailed
description of an interaction typical of a current or recent relationship. Include
observable behavior–what you did and said. 
If possible, audio or video record this interaction and include that
transcript.  The experience should be meaningful
and significant to you. 
Part 2:  Informal
Analyze the key pieces/lines of
the interaction, by (a) labelling the actions each party is doing, (b)
interpreting the content of the messages/actions, and (c) most importantly,
getting at the relationship level of the messages/actions.  Might there have been multiple
interpretations for some of these key lines? 
If so, describe these various interpretations and how they may have
affected the interaction.
Part 3:  Formal
Part 3 is an enrichment or
extension of your analysis by using the textbook.  YOU MUST INTEGRATE AT LEAST 1 THEORY AND AT
use relevant quotations and/or you may summarize (cite page numbers
regardless).  Use these ideas to explain
and/or describe your behavior and/or your relationship.  How do these concepts and theories support
your analysis of this interaction?  Part
3 should make it very clear that you can integrate interpersonal theory
with specific interpersonal communication behavior.  Of the entire essay, this part is the most
Part 4: 
This is the payoff for you!  What are the implications for your
future behavior and this and other future relationships?  What changes appear to be appropriate?  How will you implement those changes?  What specific acts will you perform (similarly
and differently) in your communication?
Part 4 should include an
agenda.  An agenda is a list of specific
acts that you will perform as part of your program to change your own interpersonal
communication.  The acts you include can be
small experiments.  What are you going to
do that is new or different?  If you
don’t end up with an agenda for future action, perhaps go back to Part 1 and
select a new experience.
Use 8 Scholarly Sources as well to support.

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