Interview with Nurse Leader Dana Basile: Leading the Way in Medical Telemetry

Leader Name:   Dana
Basile                                                     Title:      Nurse Leader                                  
Organization (name, address, phone): Medical Telemetry 2801
N State Rd 7, Margate Fl 33063 (954)
Role Description: Demonstrated expertise in nursing,
leadership and operational management.  Clinical practice and department leadership.
Identify and establish clinical learning opportunities for student in various
health care disciplines.
Interview Questions
How did you come to the
place you are now (education, training, professional advancement)?
What is your personal
philosophy of nursing leadership?
What are the most
challenging issues in your current position?
What are the best
factors in your current position?
What is your vision for
nursing’s future here at this organization? In general?
How do you effectively
communicate your nursing vision for the future to your employees/staff?
What changes in the
health care delivery systems have the most impact on nurse leadership?
choose one additional
question you would like to ask your executive nursing leader.

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Interview with Nurse Leader Dana Basile: Leading the Way in Medical Telemetry
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