Washington Heights Community
Please in atleast 5 pages write about the Washington Heights Safety, Recreational options and Healthcare resources and
services. Use most current Data and resources.
References in APA style
Title page should include names of all group members
Running head
Number of pages
Headings and subheadings
Proper APA formatting is consistent through all components of the paper.
Utilizes peer-reviewed articles (within the last 5 years). Authors do not need to be nurses.
Internet Resources Suggestions:
http://www.census.gov US Census Bureau
http://www.fedstats.gov/Federal statistics
http://factfinder.census.gov/Facts: US Census Bureau
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/National Center for Health Statistics
http://www.statehealthfacts.org/Kaiser Family Foundation
Safety โ How are fire and public safety issues handled? How safe is the community? Explain the
top safety issues. Analyze the impact of the crime/safety data on the health of the community
Recreation โ Describe recreation that is available/or not available to residents of the community
and its effect on promoting healthy lifestyles.
Healthcare โ Describe available healthcare resources and services. Evaluate the impact of the
healthcare resources and services data on the health of the community
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