Scientific Method – Part 5 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to assess y

Scientific Method – Part 5
The purpose of this assignment is to assess your ability to:
Collect and analyze data.
Analyze and evaluate graphs.
Create a graph.
Action Items
Review the key points and videos for this module.
Answer the following questions in your discussion post:
Review the key points and videos for this module.
Begin collecting data. Deploy your poll question(s) according to your sampling plan. Be prepared to discuss any issues you experienced during data collection for the Scientific Method – Part 6. Data collection needs to be completed no later than Sunday, Week 7. You will need a completed data set to perform Lab 4 (due Week 7). 
Answer the following questions in your discussion post:
Did you encounter any issues in deploying your survey? If so, what were they, and how do you plan to overcome the issue?
I want Part 5 research and Lab 3 worksheet. And also about my survey its about Sleep Quality, Sleep Duration, and Cognitive Performance.

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The purpose of this assignment is to assess y appeared first on assignment in 6hours.

Scientific Method – Part 5 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to assess y
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