Q1. Define the term “Customer Value”. What indicators can be used to represent c

Q1. Define the term “Customer Value”. What indicators can be used to represent customer value? Is this term dynamic (does it change with time in any way)? Give examples.
Q2. What is meant by iterative development and integrative delivery, as it relates to Agile Project Management. Can this philosophy be achieved through traditional project management? Discuss
Q3. Agile project management developed from its roots in the software industry. Comment on issues and challenges in application of agile project management in hardware design and development.
Q4. Give one example for a project from your experience that you believe can benefit from an agile methodology and explain how the agile methodology benefits the project’s delivery?
Questions may have several parts. Please ensure to attempt all parts
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Assignments should be neatly executed with use of at least two colors (e.g., headings/table and figure titles in black with rest of the content in blue).
References for data obtained from other sources should be clearly indicated at the end.
Zero Artificial intelligence (AI).
The plagiarism must be less than 5%.

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Q1. Define the term “Customer Value”. What indicators can be used to represent c
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