Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation Name: Sophia Baker Course Name: Residential Lending Instructor: [Insert Instructor’s Name] Title: Vice President of Residential Lending Outline I. Project Reflection for Presentation File Project Reflection for Presentation File What was most challenging about completing this assignment? The most challenging part of completing this assignment was creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation while also ensuring that the content was informative and well-organized.

Upper Coast Bank has branches all over the United States. Sophia Baker, the Vice President of Residential Lending at the Hartford, Connecticut branch, hired you as her executive assistant. Sophia wants to create a simple presentation that will help her explain some of the details about applying for a mortgage to first-time home buyers. She asks you to research all the details for applying for a mortgage for first-time home buyers, then create the presentation that the company will use to present the information to the customers. Sophia is depending on you to represent the company well with this presentation.
Number of Slides: Minimum of 15 slides and a maximum of 20 slides. Gradated penalty for too few or too many slides. This means that the more slides you are away from the 15–20 range, the more points will be deducted. Note: The slide count excludes the title and bibliographical slides.
Layout and Design: Slides must be easy to read and uncluttered (no more than 7 items to a line and no more than 7 lines to a slide). Keep it simple.
Font Size: Use standard font like Times New Roman or Arial. Use 36-point font for title, 28-point font for main points, and 24-point font for secondary points.
Footer: Include the slide number, title of your presentation, and your name in the footer (except on Title slide).
Background/Theme: Appropriate Foreground-Background Segregation (use dark text against a light background or white or light-colored text against a dark background. This creates contrast.)
Title Slide: Include your name, course name, Instructor’s name and title: Mortgage Essentials.
Outline and Summary Slides: Slide 2 must be your outline slide, which will be a list of the topics you will cover. The summary slide recaps all the topics you have covered.
Contents: Include appropriate contents about applying for a mortgage for first-time home buyers. Use creativity in arranging your contents on your slides.
Word Document Outline: Include one document created in MS Word and imported in your presentation.
Speaker’s Notes: Add appropriate speaker notes to every slide (even Slide 1 and the Summary slide). Type the exact words you would speak as if you were talking to the audience during the actual presentation (e.g., the title slide speaker’s notes would start off as “Hello, my name is John Doe. My presentation today is about _______.”). You are pretending as if you were presenting in-person.
List: The presentation must contain at least one bulleted list, one numbered list, and one customized list.
Slide Show: The slide show must be set up to use manual timing (on mouse click).
Reference Slide: Minimum of TWO professional or scholarly sources cited using APA formatting. Sources must be cited on the slides as well as on the Reference Slide.
NOTE 1: Do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar. Examples of scholarly sourcesinclude textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field).
Examples of professional sources include trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g., Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.
The following optional resources may be helpful in completing this project:
Life After Death by PowerPoint (3 mins | Automatic Closed Captioning).

This YouTube video gives great tips sprinkled in with humor! 🙂
Submit the following to your Assignments Folder:
The completed PowerPoint presentation file.
Submit a Project Reflection (see below).
Answer the following questions when you submit your assignments files.
What was most challenging about completing this assignment?
What are some things you did well on this assignment?
Do you think the Vice President would be pleased with your work? Why or why not?
Submit your Project Reflection as a Microsoft Word document, or copy and paste your answers in your Assignments Folder’s text box when you submit your assignment (along with the rest of the required project files).
Five (5) Day Late Period: The Assignments Folder will remain open 5 days after the due date for late submissions. There will be a 10% (or 40 point) reduction each day (24-hour period) the assignment is late. After 5 days, late assignments will not be accepted or graded. The Assignments Folder will be closed at this point as well and you will not be able to physically submit the assignment.
Exceptions may be allowed on a case-by-case basis for life situations (military deployment, medical illness, death in the family, etc.). In all cases, timely notification of a “life situation” is critical to the approval of any extensions. All exceptions must be accompanied by official documentation, which is subject to inspection and approval. Work load, course load, vacations, or bad memory are not acceptable excuses.
Running Close to the Deadline? Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment. Give yourself at least a 5-hour window to account for any technical difficulties that might arise. If you experience technical difficulties beyond your control that do not allow you to successfully complete the assignment, immediately follow the steps below:
Step 1: Contact UMGC 360 Help and Support. Tell them of the problem you are having. Get a problem ticket number from them to document the situation.
Step 2: Email me ASAP and include a description of the problem you are having and your problem ticket number from 360 Help and Support so I can investigate the situation.
Step 3: Attempt to attach your assignment to a message to me inside of LEO.
Step 4: Email the assignment to me.
This project is worth 400 points or 40% of your total grade for the course.
You will lose points for issues such as not following directions, not submitting your work on time, and failure to include all required elements. Each omission will result in a partial point deduction.
To complete this project and receive full credit, you must submit your completed presentation to your Assignments Folder unless you encounter problems—discussed above).
Make sure you keep a copy of your project stored on your computer. Technical difficulties do happen—you may need to resubmit your assignment for a number of reasons. It is always a good policy to CYA!
Contact me in advance if you are having problems understanding what is required of you.
UMGC has strict policies regarding turning in work that is not 100% your own creation. I will enforce these policies.
It is your responsibility to make sure you have posted your assignment CORRECTLY! Once you have posted your assignment, immediately attempt to view it, just to make sure your post was accepted by LEO, that it is formatted correctly, and you have posted the correct file.
NOTE 2: You will be held responsible for posting your assignments correctly.

The post Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation

Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation

Name: Sophia Baker
Course Name: Residential Lending
Instructor: [Insert Instructor’s Name]
Title: Vice President of Residential Lending

I. Project Reflection for Presentation File

Project Reflection for Presentation File

What was most challenging about completing this assignment?
The most challenging part of completing this assignment was creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation while also ensuring that the content was informative and well-organized. appeared first on academicassistpro.

Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation Mortgage Essentials PowerPoint Presentation Name: Sophia Baker Course Name: Residential Lending Instructor: [Insert Instructor’s Name] Title: Vice President of Residential Lending Outline I. Project Reflection for Presentation File Project Reflection for Presentation File What was most challenging about completing this assignment? The most challenging part of completing this assignment was creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation while also ensuring that the content was informative and well-organized.
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