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Hvis is How i want you to work with my essay.  1. Introduction  1.1 Background •

Hvis is How i want you to work with my essay. 
1. Introduction 
1.1 Background
• Introduction to the topic of money laundering and why it is a problem in real estate. 
• Briefly discuss relevant legislation (e.g., the Money Laundering Act).
1.2 Research Question 
• Formulate the research question clearly and precisely: “What methods and tools can be used to detect and prevent money laundering in real estate?”
1.3 Objectives and Scope 
• What is the goal of the thesis?
• What is the scope and what limitations have you set?
1.4 Methodology 
• Briefly explain the research method you have chosen (qualitative, quantitative, or a mix).
2. Theoretical Framework 
2.1 Definition of Money Laundering 
• What is money laundering?
• How does it occur? 
2.2 Regulations and Guidelines 
• Current laws and regulations in Norway and internationally.
• The role and responsibilities of real estate agents.
2.3 Previous Research
• Review previous studies and literature on money laundering in real estate. 
• What does the research say about effective methods and tools? 
3. Methodology 
3.1 Research Design 
• Choice of research design and justification for the choice. 
3.2 Data Collection 
• How you have collected data (interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, etc.). 
3.3 Data Analysis 
• How you have analyzed the data (qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, or a mix). 
4. Findings and Discussion 
4.1 Presentation of Findings 
• Presentation of data and results from your research. 
4.2 Analysis and Discussion 
• Interpretation of the findings in light of the research question. 
• How do your findings align with previous research? 
• What are the most effective methods and tools for detecting and preventing money laundering in real estate?
5. Conclusion 
5.1 Summary 
• Brief summary of the main findings.
5.2 Recommendations
• Practical recommendations for real estate agents and other stakeholders.
• Suggestions for further research. 
5.3 Limitations
• What are the limitations of your study? 
• What could have been done differently? 
6. Reference List 
• Complete list of all sources and literature you have used. 
7. Appendices 
• Any appendices that support the thesis (questionnaires, interview guides, tables, etc.).
Tips for Getting an A: 
1. Quality of Sources: Use reliable and peer-reviewed sources. Avoid unverified websites.
2. Structure: Ensure the thesis is well-structured and follows a clear line of reasoning. 
3. Language and Formatting: Write clearly and concisely. Follow the institution’s formatting requirements closely. 
4. Originality: Add something new to the topic. This can be a new angle, a new method, or new data. 
5. Analysis: Go in-depth with your analysis. Do not just present data but interpret and contextualize it. 
6. Supervision: Make use of supervision sessions. Get feedback on drafts and adjust according to the feedback.
Good luck with your thesis!

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1. Introduction 
1.1 Background
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