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The Power of Persuasion: Analyzing Brand Logos and Slogans Through Media’s Hidden Codes and Rhetorical Appeals

**links included at after directions**
After viewing The Key To Media’s Hidden Codes (VIDEO) and The Art of Rhetoric:
Persuasive Techniques in Advertising (VIDEO), choose a brand logo you are familiar with and write a well-organized paragraph in response to the following questions:
What, briefly, is the main point of each video?
What logo came to your mind when watching these videos? Please include the name of the company/brand and their slogan and explain why you thought of that logo. (Ex: Subway’s slogan is “Eat fresh!”)
What is the company’s main goal? Who is the intended audience, and how do you know?
How does the brand use codes and rhetorical appeals in their logo and slogan to reach their audience? (Use specific details and specific rhetorical language.)
How will this be evaluated?
200+ words of relevant content
Response is written in paragraph form, and demonstrates strong understanding of what was read
Response uses clear paragraph organization (topic sentences, transitions, quoting vs. paraphrasing, concluding sentence).
MLA document format and citations (in-text + Works Cited page)
Remember: If a page number is given in the original text, it must be included in parenthetical (in-text) citations!
Remember: In-text citations are required for both words (quotes)
AND ideas (paraphrases) that come from outside sources.
First and second person avoided completely unless in a direct quote from the source

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