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Home » Title: Continuity and Change in the Struggle for Social Justice: A Comparison of the “Old Guard” and the “New Generation” of Activists

Title: Continuity and Change in the Struggle for Social Justice: A Comparison of the “Old Guard” and the “New Generation” of Activists

Two-part prompt: 
1. Using the materials for this week, discuss how the themes from last week (chapters in Edwards) have continued into the 21st century.
2. In her chapter, Yamahtta Taylor makes a distinction between the “Old Guard” (Civil Rights Movement leaders and organizations) and the “new generation” of activists associated with the Black Lives Matter Movement. What are some differences between the “Old Guard” and the “new generation” (e.g. strategies, tactics, goals, approach to media/political establishment/society overall)? Which approach (Old Guard or new generation) do you offers the best path for achieving social and political goals? 
*use the readings to answer the the prompt

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