Analyzing Georgia’s Teacher Retirement System I chose this particular article because it directly relates to my career as a teacher and the retirement benefits that I am entitled to through the Georgia Teachers Retirement System (TRS). As a young educator, I am constantly thinking

Choose an article or resource that discusses a tax, financial or retirement policy and let the class know why you chose this particular article and accomplish the following:
For your forum post:
(1) Summarize the key points made within the article.
(2) Now, select at least three evaluative criteria from this week’s lesson to analyze the points made in the article. For example, did the author address the equity of the policy and if so, what did they say? If they didn’t address it, what do you think the author would have said about the missing evaluative criteria?
(3) Analyze the policy alternatives for your selected policy topic/article.
Note: almost everything can be indirectly related to taxes, retirement or finances. I don’t want to see things that are impacted by or things that impact fiscal, tax, or retirement policies (almost everything in life is or does), but policy that is created as financial, tax, or retirement policy.
Stay on the topic of the discussion. This week, that is analysis of policy using the criteria we studied.
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The post Analyzing Georgia’s Teacher Retirement System

I chose this particular article because it directly relates to my career as a teacher and the retirement benefits that I am entitled to through the Georgia Teachers Retirement System (TRS). As a young educator, I am constantly thinking appeared first on academicassistpro.

Analyzing Georgia’s Teacher Retirement System I chose this particular article because it directly relates to my career as a teacher and the retirement benefits that I am entitled to through the Georgia Teachers Retirement System (TRS). As a young educator, I am constantly thinking
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