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“Deloitte’s Sport Industry Report: Exploring Trends and Examples in the Ever-Evolving Industry”

Title page includes clever title, picture of
interviewee, and is visually appealing.
2.5 points (max
intro: Introduction included a clear and concise
description of Deloitte, the industry report, an
overview the presentation, and a minimum of
3-4 pictures.
7.5 points (max)
overview of trend: Included a clear and concise description of the
chosen trend, why this trend was appealing to
discuss over others, and met/exceeded the
minimum length/depth requirements.
7.5 points (max
three examples: Included a current industry example related to
the choose trend, provided concise details on
how/why the organization has implemented
the trend, and met/exceeded the minimum
length/depth requirements.
7.5 points (max) 
included three takeaways, supporting each in
full detail per the requirements, and met or
exceeded the minimum length requirements
7.5 points (max
reference page was present, met/exceeded
number of required references, and was wellorganized.
2.5 points (max)  
INSTRUCTIONS:Students will create a multimedia presentation (ex: PowerPoint) on the most recent sportindustry report from Deloitte. Students will need to download the report from the Deloitte
website. Students will choose a trend within the report and create a visually appealing,
detailed, and well-organized multimedia presentation (ex: PowerPoint). In addition to a
summary, students will research examples of how leagues/teams/conferences implementing
this trend. The project is worth 50 total points. The presentation will include the following.
• Title slide 2.5 pts
• Introduction to the report & your presentation 7.5 pts. (2 slides)
o Tell your reader about the Deloitte organization.
o Tell your reader about the report you reviewed. Who can use this report and
how can it be beneficial?
o Provide a brief overview or agenda of your presentation
o While bullet points are ok, I expect full sentences (in place of you discussing your
findings with me face-to-face).
o Minimum of 3-4 pictures is expected
• Overview of the Trend 7.5 pts. (2-3 slides)
o Why did you choose this trend to discuss over the others?
o Summarize core message of the trend per the report.
o Each slide will include both pictures and a minimum of three bullet points (2-3
full sentences per bullet point)
• Current Industry Examples 22.5 pts. (3 slides: 1 slide per area)
o Identify & discuss three current sport industry examples reflective of the trend
you chose. (i.e.: Trend – Augmented Reality & Fan Engagement, Provided
Example – Dallas Cowboys Photo Stand)
o Each slide will include both pictures and a minimum of three bullet points (2-3
full sentences per bullet point)
• Conclusion 7.5 pts (2 slides)
o What were the three biggest takeaways for YOU after researching this report?
What was eye-opening? Meaningful? Advice that you will use going forward.
These should be clear & concise
o While bullet points are ok, I expect full sentences (in place of you discussing your
findings with me face-to-face). A minimum of three (3) bullet points with 2-3
sentences each is required.
• Resources slide 2.5 pts
o Include list of all the resources that you used. You must include a minimum of 6
outside resources that you used for your findings
Create a multimedia presentation on a trend within the most recent sport industry report from Deloitte.
Review the  Presentation Guidelines [PDFX] Presentation Guidelines [PDFX] – Alternative Formats  and the  Presentation Rubric [PDFX] Presentation Rubric [PDFX] – Alternative Formats  for more information.
Select the link: Deloitte.
Download the report.
Read/review the report.
Choose a trend you wish to summarize.
Using PowerPoint or another multimedia presentation tool of your choice, create a visually appealing, detailed, and well-organized presentation. Details to include:
The trend.
Reasons why this trend is expected.
Examples of what and how teams/leagues/conferences are aligning with this trend. You must identify CURRENT (2022) examples. 

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