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Title: “The Roaring 20s: A Decade of Cultural Shifts and Contrasting Realities”

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The Roaring 20s. the term itself brings up vision s of gangsters and flappers, radio and film. One of my favorite decades to read and think bout is the 1920s.
In Chapter 20 of your textbook, answet the following questions in a 200 word essay: 75 points.
1. How did consumerism and the and the idea of the “American way of life” affect people’s understanding of American values in the 1920s, including the meaning of freedom?
2. Which groups did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s and why?
3. What issues were of particular interests to “religious fundamentalists” during this period and why?
From the book: Only Yesterday: an Informal History of the 1920s, anser the following questions?
1. what were the major cultural ashifts during this area in regards to women, sexuality, consumerism, greed, and cultural anxieties during the 1920s? How does Frederick Lewis Allen present these forces in a readable and literary manner?

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