3 Paper format for ENG 3032 Graded on 100 points (20% of


Paper format for ENG 3032

Graded on 100 points (20% of final total of 130)


1 Informative title is required. (-5) (An informative title matches your thesis topic. Minari is not informative; “The Grandmother and the Parents” is not informative; “The Grandmother and David” is not informative. If your reader asks, “so what?”, it’s not informative; if your reader says, “sure, I want to read it,” it is informative.)

2 Your claim (topic sentence) in each body paragraph must be underlined. (-2 each occurrence). See bottom of the page, “WHAT IS A CLAIM SENTENCE?).

3 Follow up your claim with a second sentence to explain it more. (-1/2) (Usually this comes when you revise and make your claim shorter. We did this in class early on; will do it again. See bottom of the page.

4. Length: At least 4 body paragraphs. 5-6 pages using standard typeface, margins etc. This usually ends up being 4-6 paragraphs. What is a paragraph? It is something controlled by the topic sentence (claim sentence), which you have underlined.

5. Must use the secondary source provided.

6. Signed statement that the work is the student’s alone and that all sources have been acknowledged.


1. Must be in Word. Make sure it is. If you had to re-send your midterm because it was not in Word, this time make extra sure. I must be able to download without signing on to anything.

2. The info on the top right (your name, course #, paper #) must be single-spaced. (-1)

3. Paginate. This means use page numbers. Must on upper right. (-1)

4. Use 12-point font in regular spacing, not extra large spacing; use regular margins; On “Layout,” it’s usually called “Normal.” -1

3. Citation (only two!): Follow MLA or APA format. Search “How to cite film,” and “How to cite an article.”

Remember, provide citation after you identify what you’ll be talking about. (E.g, We know it’s a happy family when Mamoru says, “Tell us again the story about the egg” (p. xx). We see that he . . . . .). Fix this at revision stage.

WHAT IS A CLAIM? A claim is your opinion that you will then support in the rest of the paragraph. This the same as topic sentence. One claim per paragraph. If you have a second thought, you have second claim – so start another paragraph.

A claim sentence is usually short. Of course it is natural to write a long claim. Everyone does; I do too. But in re-writing, take all the details you had crammed into the long claim and make it a new sentence. This is the second sentence (S2) you need. Readers will understand your claim much better.

Hint on the prompt. Essay topics and exam questions very often begin with a strong statement which is then followed with the request, “Discuss.” This usually means that the strong statement, while true, needs to be modified. This was the format of the midterm.

Your task in your essay is (1) to examine the statement and to support it with corroborating evidence and (2) to look for evidence that will modify or contradict it. This was the format of Part B in the midterm.

I haven’t set the strong statement yet, but as I said in class, it will follow the format of the questions in Part B of the midterm, focusing on using the title to think deeply about the work of fiction/film.

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3 Paper format for ENG 3032 Graded on 100 points (20% of
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