Read “The American Yawp” Volume I: Before 1877. Read the following scetions:
The Revolutionary Era: Chapter 5: Sections V-VII and, Chapter 6: Sections I-V
Washington and Adams: Chapter 6: Sections VI-XI
Jefferson and the War of 1812: Chapter 7: Sections III-VII
Answer all of the below questions in a short response of about 10 sentences for each
question minimum. You MUST include the question in your answer so that it is clear to the professor which question you are answering. (Please note, if you simply restate the
question at the start, as opposed to incorporating it in your answer, it WILL NOT count
towards the sentence minimum of 8-10 sentences.) You should also number your answers 1-6, and once you have completed one question start the next one directly below it.
Your responses should be based ONLY on those resources that I provide to you.
Please DO NOT use any other sources.
You MUST make clear and direct references to ALL the weekly resources provided.
To do this, you MUST include at least two quotes per answer.
All quotes MUST be properly cited in either MLA or APA form.
You MUST NOT use any form of Artificial Intelligence to craft your
responses. If you are discovered to have done so, your answer will receive a zero.
1. Describe the content of both the Declaration of Independence and Common Sense.
Assess how the Enlightenment influenced both documents. (Use specific examples from
each text.)
2. Explain and Assess the extent to which the American Revolution was revolutionary,
both as a political and a social revolution. (Consider how the war both changed, and did
not change, the role of non-elite white men in society, such as women, African-
Americans, and poor-white men.)
3. Describe and Explain the debate over the ratification of the Constitution had between
the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. (Consider their specific arguments and the
characteristics that defined each group.)
4. Describe and Explain what is meant by the term Enumerated Powers as it applies to
the Constitution. (Consider the difference between what is meant by a strict and loose
construction of the Constitution and include your own opinion about on the Elastic Clause:
is it good or bad and why.)
5. Identify and describe key elements of America’s foreign policy during George
Washington’s, John Adam’s, and Thomas Jefferson’s Administrations. (Consider such
things as the Neutrality Proclamation, Jay’s Treaty, the Farewell Address, the XYZ Affair, and the Embargo Act.)
6. Describe and Explain the main causes for the War of 1812, 1 key battle of it, and the
main consequences following the conflict.
The post 1. The Influence of Enlightenment Ideas on the Declaration of Independence and Common Sense
The Declaration of Independence and Common Sense were both products of the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that emphasized reason, individualism, and the pursuit of natural rights. The Declaration appeared first on academicassistpro.